Can I have some devices at building 2, connect to the building 2 server (WS2012) as it's gateway, and use that server's VPN connection to building 1?

The situation is as follows

Building 1 (B1) is my main site. I have 1 Windows Server 2012 unit at B1 and B2. B1 is a PPTP server.

At B2, I have many devices. Most of these devices are constantly on a VPN connection to B1 (including the B2 server).

Can I set some devices at B2, such as IP phones that do not have VPN abilities, use the B2 server as a sort of "Default Gateway", and then have the B2 server route these devices over its VPN connection to B1?

I am aware that there are better alternatives, however most of those require more advanced hardware that I could not afford. I already know for sure that the B2 router does not support VPN connections (but it lets them through).

задан 21 February 2016 в 03:34
1 ответ

Все ваши здания должны были быть подключены через l2, возможно, через VLAN. VPN, PPTP и всевозможные грабли, которые вы постоянно сажаете, не могут быть оправданы какими-либо причинами, не делайте этого. Рано или поздно это поле граблей станет вашей профессиональной могилой. Или, что еще хуже - могила того, кто придет после вас.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 10:41


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