IIS 8.5 500.19 status code with 0x80070038 access share

We are experiencing an intermittent issue with websites accessing resources/images over CIFS/SMB shares (running on our storage array). It comes and goes and we are trying to get to the bottom of it.

The error code in the browser is 500.19 with the error code 0x80070038.

I've come across these two locked threads and is seems like the same issue:



Is this still applicable in a Windows 2012r2/IIS 8.5 environment?

I've had a look in the registry for MKLM\Services\CurrentControlSet\lanmanworkstation\MaxCmds but cannot see it.

задан 18 March 2016 в 13:10
1 ответ

Я видел этот пост как полезный, например, в вашем случае. Надеюсь, вы тоже найдете полную справку.

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ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 10:39


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