Исходный Сервер не отвечает минимальным требованиям для миграции - SBS2003 к 2008 SBS

Во-первых, немного предположений:

  • Вы хотите сделать это программно и не рассмотрение leds
  • Вы не знаете текущий IP Xbox
  • Вы знаете подсеть, от которой dhcp дает дюйм/с

Перечислять IP/Mac, в настоящее время известный системе: cat /proc/net/arp

Таким образом, необходимо было бы проверить с помощью ping-запросов каждый IP от подсети, затем проверьте arp таблицу, и быть уверенными ping IP.

Что-то как:

ping -c 1 `cat arp | grep "00:12:34:45:78:AB" | cut -d" " -f 1` >/dev/null; echo $?

Произведет 0, если Xbox ответит на ping, и 1 иначе. В зависимости от какого Вы хотите сделать, можно ли сделать некоторых если на $? или что-то.

задан 12 March 2015 в 16:53
3 ответа

Это смотрит на меня как проблема полномочий WMI о старом сервере. Я использовал эти инструкции недавно относительно проблем как этот.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 03:36

You have users connected to the database that need to be disconnected. See who they are using sp_who. More info on MSDN concerning sp_who. To disconnect users, you can use a script such as this one.

You could also forcibly disconnect all users if you're sure that won't cause a problem with the following:


That rolls back open transactions, which is graceful, but it's still a bit scorched earth since you won't know who was connected. I think it would be more productive to see who's connected using sp_who so that you know who you need to change connection strings for so they won't continually access the old server.

Локальные политики -> Назначение прав пользователя
  • Убедитесь, что в групповой политике «Олицетворение клиента после аутентификации» в список добавлены группа администраторов и учетная запись СЕРВИС.
  • Перезагрузите исходный сервер
  • источник: msmvps. com

    ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 03:36

    In my case, the server was not resolving the netbios name of the source server. I had to use Shift +F10 to open a command prompt and then edit the hosts file - then it worked. I consider this a bug.

    Another note, some postings out there suggest that you should edit 'Impersonate a client after authentication" in the Domain Controller Group Policy settings. In my case, this rendered my server nearly inoperable causing my server to hang on "Applying computer settings" for 3 hours after reboot - it messed up SQL, BES, and god knows what else. Grueling gut wrenching experience to say the least.

    If you have this problem, check that DCOM is enabled - check the timezone settings (see post above) - then try to ping the source server using netbios name. If it fails, then what worked for me might work for you. Here is how I edited the hosts file -

    Shift +F10 to open command prompt

    Navigate to hosts file in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc

    Rename hosts to hosts.txt. Command to do this is "ren hosts host.txt". In my case I first copied the host file to the root of the C drive where I renamed it. Windows sometimes will give you problems attempting to rename hosts while in the \etc directory.

    Open hosts.txt and add an entry for your server. This is easy. If you don't know how, look it up.

    Rename hosts.txt back to hosts and place it back into the \etc directory.

    Ping the netbios name of your server and it should resolve - then should then be able to continue with your migration.

    ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 03:36


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