отказы httpd - неизвестное состояние?

Я заканчиваю тем, что использовал следующий метод:

Во-первых, я пытался сделать 1 виртуальный диск RAID6 на 4 ТБ и сделать задание раздела в установке Windows Server 2008 R2. Однако я встречаюсь с проблемой. Вот мое НАМЕЧЕННОЕ расположение раздела:

  1. NTFS на 100 ГБ для ОС
  2. 2 ТБ для Данных № 1
  3. 1.5 ТБ для Данных № 2

Однако Windows не позволяет мне использовать все пробелы в виртуальном диске на 4 ТБ. Вот расположение:

  1. 100 МБ: зарезервированная система
  2. 100 ГБ: ОС
  3. 1947.90 ГБ: Данные № 1
  4. 1676.00 ГБ: освобожденное пространство

Я не могу сделать раздел для освобожденного пространства № 4. Действительно ли это - ограничение Windows Server 2008 R2?

Я заканчиваю тем, что разделил группу дисков RAID6 на 3 виртуальных диска. бесплатная проблема.

задан 19 March 2013 в 14:09
1 ответ

The fact that requesting the webserver status is causing the server to segfault implies that your mod_status module is broken in some way. Check apache's configuration to make sure it is not loading a stray mod_status module from some older installation that doesn't match the current server.


OK, based on the other question it looks like your webserver was messed up by that failed httpd.x86_64 0:2.2.3-45.el5.centos.1 package. It's possible that it overwrote some things before it errored. Were you using the EasyApache package before? You will probably have to rebuild it to get things working right again. If you go this route you'll have to use EasyApache to customize the php modules that are installed rather than using centos packages. If you use the centos packages, you may have to manually reconfigure the server to suport the cpanel/whm stuff (like the custom whm-server-status link). From your log in the other question, it appears that the old httpd configuration was not overwritten, so you may be able to merge together the configuration files.


Based on the chat here, it appears that what has happened is that installing Atomic Secured Linux overwrote the mod_security2.so module installed by EasyApache with an incompatible version, and this somehow only trigged the segfault when accessing the status page. Disabling the incompatible mod_security2.so fixes the issue, but you'll need to rebuild EasyApache in order to get back the mod_security2.so that was overwritten, and how to do that (or if it's possible to just rebuild the module) is a matter for a new question.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 14:40


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