Каково решение для промышленного стандарта для веб-сервера Linux и систем обработки отказа файлового сервера Mac?

Я соглашаюсь, что лучший способ состоит в том, чтобы настроить Ваши банковские реквизиты в Вашем собственном почтовом клиенте.

Однако, если это - локальная учетная запись Unix, Вы говорите о Вас, может использовать chfn(1) изменить настоящее имя пользователя с чем-то как:

chfn -f "Editor Surname" editor

или путем редактирования непосредственно /etc/passwd файл (оба требуют доступа суперпользователя).

задан 7 September 2011 в 18:48
1 ответ

For the Highly Available web servers, look into OpenAIS, Pacemaker and DRBD to build an HA Cluster. OpenAIS is cluster messaging software, Pacemaker is Cluster Resource Management software, and DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device) is "network RAID1". Combining these, you can build a cluster out of two or more nodes.

There are basically two ways to do it: active/passive, and active/active. Active/passive is going to be the easiest to setup (and maintain). In active/passive, one machine provides services, while the other sits idle and waits for the active machine to fail. In active/active, both machines would provide services.

OpenAIS will handle passing messages between cluster nodes to make sure they are available and responding.

Pacemaker will handle running your resource, eg Apache, DRBD, FTP, whatever. It also handles moving resources between nodes (say, in the event of a node failure) and handles stop/start/management of resources.

DRBD, is pretty cool. It sits between the kernel and the filesystem and (in Protocol C) when a write is issued, DRBD issues a write to the other cluster node, and once both nodes confirm the write to disk, it is considered committed. So basically the write has to be on-disk on both nodes to be committed. This is how you make sure that whatever you are serving up with Apache, is exactly the same on both machines, so should a failover occur you're serving up the same thing.

If you had shared storage (eg, an iSCSI SAN), then you could remove DRBD from the mix.

You can google Clusters From Scratch (it's on ClusterLabs.org) for a basically step-by-step guide to doing this.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 22:02


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