Выполнение Гудзона создает с более низким приоритетом процесса

  • Cassandra, как доказывали, масштабировалась замечательно хорошо.
  • Voldemort является другой опцией, которая работает.
  • В торговых площадях существует Greenplum.
  • Почему Вам ' нужно' и легкий масштабировать решение? Какую проблему Вы пытаетесь решить?

задан 7 October 2011 в 22:40
1 ответ

Absent a facility in the software itself that lets you do this, you've pretty much outlined the three options available to make it happen without working too hard.
Looking at those options more closely:

Option 3 sucks. Don't do it. Too complex and too much potential to screw up.

Option 1 sucks less - You just need to remember to patch every time you upgrade, which is annoying.

Option 2 is the Path of Least Suck. It's what I would do.
Yes it's not immediately obvious what's going on, but if you document what you've done (and the documentation is in an immediately obvious place) it's not a bad solution.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 06:44


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