Как обновить Adobe Flash из командной строки?

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Turtle HD Case
(источник: turtlecase.com)

задан 28 October 2011 в 18:18
3 ответа

You can download MSI versions of Flash from adobe's redistribution site. It's free to register for and you can deploy them via GPO or through a script with something like Msiexec /I flash.msi /QB

GPO is the most reliable way of the two, since psexec requires that the machine is on.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 04:50

+1 for markMs answer and a little addition:

Also, the msi appears in your temp folder while the setup is running (just double-click the exe and check temp for new folders/files).

AppDeploy has a list of command line switches for various applications, including Flash.

It should work with psexec once you've copied the setup onto the target computer. If you don't have a software distribution system (like SCCM or netinstall) in your environment you could build a list of computers to run the psexec command on.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 04:50

Просто сделайте следующее:

FlashUtil10x_ActiveX.exe -update plugin

Затем появится окно обновления. Это будет работать для Flash для IE и других браузеров, таких как Opera; просто убедитесь, что вы нашли правильный flash_xxxxxxxx.exe.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 04:50


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