SBS 2011 - действительно ли использование верхней памяти Store.exe нормален? - можно использовать этот сценарий для резервного копирования базы данных после загрузки его к серверу. Очень удобный и быстрый

задан 17 November 2011 в 21:31
1 ответ

Check if the database cache is taking up the memory (and not releasing it for some reason) using the perfmon Exchange "Database cache size" counter. If so, try limiting the cache sizes by setting msExchESEParamCacheSizeMin/msExchESEParamCacheSizeMax values in the InformationStore Active Directory object's properties as described in this blog.

If it is not the IS cache, it might be a memory leak. In this case, you can restart the information store periodically as a workaround and open a case with Microsoft product support - if it turns out to be a problem with the product itself, no fee will be charged.

You should also take a look at the minimum and recommended memory configurations for Exchange 2010.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 06:16


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