Зона DNS - перенаправьте почту к другому IP

Содержание DB не должно уменьшаться. Можно выполнить базу данных уменьшения DBCC при необходимости, но я не вошел бы к той привычке. Я запустил бы этот скрипт до уменьшения, чтобы видеть, есть ли у Вас "чрезмерное" свободное пространство

SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS DatabaseName, 
CAST([Name] AS varchar(20)) AS NameofFile,
CAST(physical_name AS varchar(100)) AS PhysicalFile,
type_desc AS FileType,
((size * 8)/1024) AS FileSize,
MaxFileSize = CASE WHEN max_size = -1 OR max_size = 268435456 THEN 'UNLIMITED'
WHEN max_size = 0 THEN 'NO_GROWTH' 
WHEN max_size <> -1 OR max_size <> 0 THEN CAST(((max_size * 8) / 1024) AS varchar(15))
ELSE 'Unknown'
SpaceRemainingMB = CASE WHEN max_size = -1 OR max_size = 268435456 THEN 'UNLIMITED'
WHEN max_size <> -1 OR max_size = 268435456 THEN CAST((((max_size - size) * 8) / 1024) AS varchar(10))
ELSE 'Unknown'
Growth = CASE WHEN growth = 0 THEN 'FIXED_SIZE'
WHEN growth > 0 THEN ((growth * 8)/1024)
ELSE 'Unknown'
GrowthType = CASE WHEN is_percent_growth = 1 THEN 'PERCENTAGE'
WHEN is_percent_growth = 0 THEN 'MBs'
ELSE 'Unknown'
FROM master.sys.master_files
WHERE state = 0
AND type_desc IN ('LOG', 'ROWS')
ORDER BY database_id, file_id

Источник для этого кода здесь

задан 7 February 2012 в 12:52
2 ответа

Make sure you have your DNS entries propagated correctly via tools like

dig yourdomain.tld MX

if you are in unix/linux world



tool if you are in windows world

From your question, it seems it might only be the DNS propagation delay.

Is there any mailserver located at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ( your MX ip) ?

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 11:59

mx resource records don't require that the questioner know the answer already.

For an mx resource record to work for mail.example.com., the questioner would have to already know that mail.example.com. was the target. Clearly, that's nonsense.

When mail is addressed to postmaster@example.com, the domain name looked up is the one in the mailbox name, example.com.. That is the domain name which must own the mx resource records (if any). These resource records form the first halves of two-part mappings from the mailbox domain name to sets of IP addresses:

example.com. IN MX 10 a.mx.example.com.
example.com. IN MX 20 b.mx.example.com.
a.mx.example.com. IN A
a.mx.example.com. IN A
b.mx.example.com. IN A
ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 11:59


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