Совместное размещение моего первого сервера [закрыто]

Я уже несколько лет использую самоуправляемый выделенный сервер и думаю, что готов к своему первому совмещенному серверу. У меня есть несколько вопросов, с которыми вы можете помочь.

Для чего нужен сервер?

На сервере будет размещаться несколько моих собственных сайтов, большинство из них - форумы (php / mysql), но в планах - начать перенос всех сайтов на Ruby on Rails (мой первый проект Rails вот что подсказало это - которое должно быть завершено в ближайшие несколько месяцев). Большинство сайтов не предлагают пользователям загрузку изображений, но новый (Rails) сайт это сделает.

Мой текущий сервер - Core2Quad Q9400 2,66 ГГц с оперативной памятью 8 ГБ и WD VelociRaptor на 150 ГБ, на котором запущены Apache, CentOS и cPanel, и он отлично справляется с текущим трафиком.


Какую настройку вы рекомендуете? Стоит ли отказаться от Apache для Nginx? Есть ли какие-нибудь пошаговые инструкции, которые покажут вам, как настроить сервер для производства практически с нуля?


Какие характеристики вы рекомендуете? Я думаю, 1U, E3 1230 с 8 до 16 ГБ, с SSD на 120 ГБ для OS / Mysql / Apps и т. Д. И диском на 500 ГБ для изображений / мультимедиа. Думаешь, все будет в порядке? Бюджет сервера составляет до 1000 фунтов стерлингов.


Резервный план - что вы порекомендуете? Зеркально отразить оба HD? Или делать резервные копии вне сервера, используя что-то вроде rsync?

Я хотел бы, чтобы все было как можно проще, поскольку это мой первый сервер, но я определенно готов сделать решительный шаг! Мы будем очень благодарны за любую помощь или ссылки в настройке сервера.

задан 9 March 2012 в 00:56
1 ответ

It's unusual to go co-lo with only one server and only one sysadmin. The point at which it seems worthwhile to me is at about 20 servers and two sysadmins. Some of the benefits that having your servers managed can provide you are:

  • 24/7 monitoring
  • Remote hands
  • In-stock spare parts
  • Backups

With only one server, your backups are tied to the same hardware as the original unless (as you hinted at) you rent another server to put the backups on. Many hosting companies offer backup services that have redundancy built in.

The same applies to your monitoring; if you run Nagios on your only server and it goes down, Nagios goes down with it and can't alert you. Most hosting providers will monitor your servers for hardware faults and will monitor the services running on those servers. They will usually also log in and restart services and if it's more complicated than that, you can talk them through troubleshooting on the phone.

In order to have a reliable and fault-tolerant system you will need at least two servers. They should probably be identical, both running the same services and each monitoring and providing backups the other. You can buy two servers that are half as powerful for the same total capacity as the single, more powerful server but now you have a greater potential for high availability.

With co-location, you are responsible for more of the system, meaning that there are more things that can go wrong that you will have to deal with yourself. If a hard drive dies, you will have to order a new one and organise a trip to the data centre to install it. A managed hosting provider will have the right kind of hard drive in the data centre and will have it replaced within the same day. If the web daemon dies in the middle of the night, there's no one to log in and restart it but you.

Managed hosting providers usually also provide you with a short-term price benefit. My experience is that after 10 months of renting a server you have usually spent as much as it would take to buy the server outright. If you buy your servers and co-locate them, you will be out of pocket for the first year or so and will be better off after that.

At a certain size, co-location makes a lot of sense. Before that size, it's likely to result in a greater up-front cost and lot of stress. It can really blow your budget if you have to hire a pimply faced youth to help manage the system.

As for your other two questions, choosing between nginx and Apache depends greatly on your traffic and your app. I would go with the one you are most familiar with for now and evaluate again if you run into any problems (such as memory usage or concurrent requests). Specs for a server are similarly dependent on your app and your traffic. For this reason (the answer will be useless to anyone else) and also because the answer will go out of date very quickly, these sorts of shopping questions are considered off-topic here.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 19:13


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