DHCP - Это подаст IP, и DNS назначает в компьютеры недомена, к которым присоединяются?

Можно установить полномочия на файлах к 0666 в рамках кода PHP - но это не очень аккуратное решение. Более строгий подход, который работает на меня, добавить веб-сервер uid и пользователей, требующих доступа к общей группе (например, webdev) затем установка группы липкий бит на каталоге загрузки и добавлении файлов как 0660.

Обратите внимание, что загруженные файлы HTTP должны всегда сохраняться в отдельном каталоге от другого веб-контента, где PHP (и любой другой специальный обработчик) отключен (т.е. не в/home/john/public_htm/) иначе, Вы будете взломаны.

... и не используйте FTP.


задан 7 June 2012 в 22:07
2 ответа

It will dish out an IP address and DNS server addresses to any computer on the same broadcast domain (ie. any contiguous network infrastructure not separated by a router). You would not need to configure a static IP before you joined a computer to the domain. See also: How does a computer obtain an IP address via DHCP?

The advantage of running DHCP on a domain controller is that AD, DNS, and DHCP integrate very well together. DHCP will update the computer's name and IP in DNS, and it will replicate to all of the other DC/DNS servers in your organization. However, it would also make sense to run DHCP on a network device (to me, this would make the most sense since receiving an IP address is network-related), but I don't know if this would have any shortcomings versus running it in an AD/DNS environment.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 09:06

DHCP is what I would call "Windows Agnostic" in that it will serve basic network configurations to any client that can speak DHCP. There are some OS specific tricks you can do with DHCP (like PXE/RIS) however it doesn't affect basic connectivity for the vast majority of clients.

AD integrated DHCP allows AD to be aware of any new network devices. That is where the benefit comes in as AD is DNS reliant and the ability to automatically add network devices to DNS makes life easier for the administrator.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 09:06


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