Разрушенный Сервер Первичного домена. Восстановление проблемы

Вы не должны использовать BIOS. Существует некоторый материал в/sys/devices, это установит Масштабный коэффициент ЦП

Взгляните на это руководство: http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/11/04/enabling-cpu-frequency-scaling/ Это может объяснить больше, чем, я могу легко

задан 29 June 2012 в 04:26
2 ответа

Seize the PDC Emulator role (and any other relevant roles) from the dead domain controller - instructions on this process are here.

Once that's done, you'll probably also want to clean up the dead domain controller's metadata from the domain before trying to re-promote the server again with the fresh OS. Here's the documentation for that process.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 11:02

There are no such thing as an ADC or PDC. They are all multimaster peers. Please read this.

If the DC that crashed held any operations master roles, then you need to transfer them to the other DC. Clean up the metadata for the dead DC by following these steps. Then, reinstall the crashed server and promote it using dcpromo and you're done.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 11:02


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