Свяжите весь узел LXC кэши APT с кэшем APT хост-машины

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  • Удостоверьтесь, что опция "Inherit from parent" отмечается
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  • Другая кнопка Users и Groups
  • Введите в Администраторах домена и нажмите "OK"
  • Нажать "OK"
  • Нажать "OK"
задан 17 August 2012 в 19:51
1 ответ

You can use bind mounts to make these all point to the same place. For example:

mount --bind /var/cache/apt/archives /var/lib/lxc/foo/rootfs/var/cache/apt/archives

This blog post and this forum post talks about this solution in more detail.

A symlink wouldn't be a security hole, it simply wouldn't work, because from within the container a symlink to /var/cache/apt/archives would point at a location inside the container filesystem.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 06:39


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