Почему я должен заботиться о статистике Ядра NTP?

клон копии является крутым (и свободный) утилита Mac с теми возможностями.

задан 14 September 2012 в 06:58
1 ответ

NTP is a protocol that synchronizes the system clock (usually there is a daemon running on *nix boxes). In short, it makes sure that the time on the server is correct. There are many reasons it is important to have accurate time:

  • Some authentication schemes (such as kerberos, AD auth) count on the system having correct time
  • When you troubleshoot things, having accurate time stamps in the logs can be vital
  • Many applications that run on a server might use the system time to generation information they show to the user. Depending on the application, time can be critical (for example, knowing when a financial transaction happened)

I'm sure there are others, but having accurate system time is a standard responsibility of a system administrator. NTP does a lot of sophisticated things to this end (accounting and correcting for drifts etc). So those details statistics can help you troubleshoot any issues that arrise in fulfilling this role.

ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 23:49


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