Dell Открывает сообщение Manage в Windows Event Log, я должен быть взволнован?

должно быть минимальным. Изменение сервера DNS, используемого в панели управления Вашей услуги хостинга, займет больше времени, обычно 24 часа плюс-минус немного, но изменение IP, на который указывают тем, что сервер DNS должен быть очень маленьким временем, хотя могла бы быть задержка между вводом его и перезагрузкой DNS. Я думаю его приблизительно 15-30 минут на сервисе DNS, который я использую.

задан 8 October 2012 в 18:54
1 ответ

As Mitch suggested, I would first ensure that all components on your server have the latest firmware as well as latest drivers installed. We have had entire hard drives fail because they did not have the latest firmware on them (3 in a row as a matter of fact, until Dell figured out the firmware on the actual drives was out of date). This has nothing to do with your case, but I'm trying to illustrate that keeping your devices on the latest firmware is more than just "good practice".

Just navigate here and enter your service tag:

We have been monitoring DELL events for many years now, and events logged by OpenManage should not be taken lightly. The warning you are getting most likely suggested a problem that needs to be addressed.

The reason why you are probably not noticing any problems is because you are running a RAID 1. As such, even disconnecting one of the drives entirely will not cause any noticable issue, though it may result in a raid rebuild (which would be logged as well).

If you keep seeing those events after you updated all the drivers and firmware, I would power the server down (if possible), disconnect and re-connect the hard disk cables.

If the issue persists, then I would call DELL as it is most likely a hardware issue such as a defect cable, backplane, etc.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 19:05


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