Выполненный .sh (никакой сервис) файл на запуске

Установите libevent-dev и ncurses-dev:

apt-get install libevent-dev ncurses-dev
задан 16 October 2012 в 13:58
1 ответ

The simplest way to run a command once at startup is to put it in /etc/rc.d/rc.local, which is a link from /etc/rcX.d/S99local, and gets run at the very end of the boot sequence.

It's better to write, debug and link a proper service startup script, but if you're pushed for time and just want to whack in a one-line launch command, I find that's the best place to run it from.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 19:04


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