То, как сделать сам, подписанный сертификат openssl генерировал 4 096 битов, зашифровало сертификат SSL, как доверяется человечности 10.04?

Закончите RewriteRule цель с a ?.

RewriteRule foo bar? [R]
задан 11 November 2012 в 13:48
1 ответ

Instead of using a self-signed certificate, would you be open to getting a free SSL certificate from startssl.com? That's what I've been doing for my personal web sites.

If that's not an option, you'll want to import either your self-signed certificate or the CA that you used to sign that certificate into your browser and set it to be trusted. The method for doing this is browser-specific.

The page at http://tech.kaazing.com/documentation/jms/3.3/security/p_tls_clientapp.html has a section called "To Import Self-Signed Certificates into a Web Browser" that explains how to import certificates into several browsers.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 15:50


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