Windows 2008 IIS 7.0 HTTP к перенаправлению HTTPS — по сравнению с механизмом IIS 6.0

Вы неправы относительно mailstats, я думаю. При использовании флага "-p", он сбросит статистику, таким образом, можно будет каждый час выполнять его от крона как это:


... и запустите новую статистику в течение следующего часа. Надежда, которая помогает.

задан 17 November 2012 в 00:29
1 ответ

The built-in HTTP Redirect module's only purpose in life was to return 300 series error codes to tell the browser to go somewhere else. Theoretically you could setup a 301 or 302 to send traffic to HTTPS, however this requires a lot of overhead, specifically:

  1. A separate site to receive only the HTTP requests
  2. A rule to redirect the traffic, this doesn't always handle querystrings, etc.
  3. A second site to only receive HTTPS requests

As opposed to the new module (which in IIS 8 is the default) that allows you to run rules for the site in a much more specific manner and gain much better control over traffic routing and transformations.

As for your concern about modifying the web.config file directly there are ways around that but I can't locate my source on that right now. Essentially, you can store the rewrite config at the website config location as opposed to the application level.

  • Machine (machine.config)
  • Server (ApplicationHost.config)
  • Website
  • Application (web.config)
ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 12:41


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