Разделение серверов виртуальных машин [дубликат]

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Наша компания готовится обновить нашу инфраструктуру, перейдя от физических машин к виртуальным машинам с балансировкой нагрузки.Мы пытаемся решить, сколько виртуальных машин нам нужно, и мне любопытно, как другие разделяют свои серверы. Мы будем использовать Exchange, AD, SQL, IIS, сервер печати и множество внутренних служб лицензирования на всех ОС 2008 R2.

Должны ли мы разместить каждую службу на отдельной виртуальной машине или оставить некоторые из них вместе, если накладные расходы низкие (например, AD). Что в связи с этим делают крупные компании? Я искал некоторые передовые документы, но не нашел ничего полезного, кроме SQL.

задан 7 February 2013 в 20:37
3 ответа

Licensing is one factor in making the decision, certainly. For many people it ends up being the major factor because of the potentially immense cost. Microsoft's updated Windows Server 2012 licensing makes these choices different than prior versions (not better, just different).

Another factor is separation of security concerns. I'm one of these old "stick in the mud" paranoid security types that believes that you don't mix VMs of different security concerns on the same physical host computer. There are too many side-channel attacks possible to exfiltrate data from a more secure VM to a less secure VM, let alone attacks against the hypervisor itself.

Most applications today are agnostic about virtualization. You should be more concerned about being able to provide the necessary RAM, CPU cycles, IOPS, and I/O bandwidth (to storage and to the network) than about the application's suitability for being run in a VM. Obviously, if you're running older applications then you should probably keep this in mind.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 19:10

Aside from licensing concerns, you should generally attempt to keep your services separated out to provide for better stability and easier management. Exchange and SQL should definitely get their own VMs. Typically you'd have your print server on a DC or file server, not by itself.

As Evan said, it's far more important to make sure the VMs have sufficient resources available to them.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 19:10

Of course the value of Virtualization is you can distribute roles across as many instances as you need. IMO you asked a general question so I will try to give you a general answer.

If you are looking towards windows Virtualization consider 2012 as the Host hypervisor. Economics and ease of management are my first thoughts, reliability is high but debatably not as high as competition.

If you license the host with datacenter edition you should be able to run unlimited Guest win VMs. W/o worrying about licensing you could spin up a VM for any Role. Monitor the performance of the guest and host, then distribute your loads evenly across the hosts. 2012 makes it far more easier "live migrate".

If you are new to virtualization make sure you have the storage infrastructure to support your needs. Also, consider it a "best practice" to keep your active directory PDC on reliable physical hardware. Not required, but seriously decreases potential for AD related issues.

Hope this helps, if you need more specific answers just ask more specific questions.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 19:10


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