Сокеты ЦП по сравнению с ядрами

Посмотрите здесь: в особенности примите во внимание предложения второго шанса.

задан 15 March 2013 в 15:45
1 ответ

Since your multiple core server is bsed on NUMA architecture, you'll generally get better performance when the VM is using 8 cores from 1 CPU, instead of 4 cores from each of both CPUs. VMware will do the right thing most of the time.

To understand this issue in more depth, you'll definitely want to read VMware's NUMA documentation.

Whether you need to physically remove a CPU to make Oracle happy is a licensing issue, rather than a technical issue, and is not something we can help you with.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 07:05


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