Ошибки жесткого диска: вероятно, 2 поврежденных сектора и ничто работают

Вы, которыми лучший выбор был бы к rn tcpdump на реальных серверах для наблюдения, где Вы запрашиваете, идете.

Глюк. LVS-БОЧКА слушает на в виртуальном интерфейсе для клиентского адреса, потому что пакеты инкапсулируются, Вы не смогли бы определить пакет на основе пользовательского IP

$ tcpdump-i tunl0 размещают USER_IP

задан 9 May 2013 в 17:16
2 ответа

If you're willing to spend LOTS on recover, send it to a recovery firm and they can probably get most of the data off the drive. Pull the drive and don't power it on if you're thinking about pursuing this.

If "thousands" is too expensive, try putting the drive in a zip-lock baggy in the freezer overnight. See if the drive works when you pull it out. If it does, get the important data as quickly as possible. As soon as the drive warms up it will stop working again. Each of these extreme heat cycles does increasingly more damage to the drive, so you'll be lucky to do it a few times before the drive is "really" dead.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 11:53

Getting the drive working again? You don't. If you get data off it, you toss the drive. Hard drives that start to fail only get worse.

If the data is important, then STOP MESSING WITH THE DRIVE RIGHT FREAKIN' NOW. Send it to a drive recovery company such as Kroll OnTrack and let them recover the data for you. The more you try and mess with it, the more likely you will lose more data.

If you want to do it yourself (and don't care about losing everything in the process) there are lots of tutorials on the internet on how to use ddrescue and the like from a Linux live CD.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 11:53


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