Как создать ОС POST пользовательская последовательность задачи для out-of-the ноутбука поля

Очевидно, это зависит от гостя ОС, но если это *, отклоняют вариант, не мог Вы просто SSH/Telnet/RDP в него или использовать powershell, если это - Windows?

задан 28 August 2013 в 09:41
1 ответ

The wizard in MDT that allows you to name the computer, join the domain and add users are all functions that are inserted into the answer file that would be used during setup. This will not work in your situation, since you are booting the system in order to call the Post OS Installation task. You would have to create custom scripts to make those changes. In MDT, you can add the step ‘Run PowerShell Script’ or ‘Run command Line’ depending on which method you use for scripting. If you search the MDT help files for ‘Run PowerShell script’ and there are several topics to help you. I also found this page in the TechNet Script Center for joining a computer to a domain with Powershell and this TechNet Wiki article ‘Set Computer Name using PowerShell’ that may be of help.

Hope this helps,

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 00:36


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