Аутентификация OpenLDAP+Kerberos – идентификатор (NSS), работы, но аутентификация говорит, что пользователь неизвестен

Я перекомпилировал весь php. Если потребность некоторое учебное руководство http://docs.moodle.org/en/Development:Install_Moodle_On_Ubuntu_with_Nginx/PHP-fpm

задан 18 February 2014 в 16:25
1 ответ

It seemed that I was missing something fundamental. After messing up my whole PAM and NSS configuration by hand, I reinstalled the machine (it was a fresh install before my messing). After installing all the necessary packages I did before, running one single magic command by hand did the trick:


As soon as I get back to that machine tomorrow, I will post the resulting pam.d files.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 15:14


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