Как настроить виртуализацию для наших серверов / рабочих станций? [закрыто]

Мне нужно настроить виртуальную среду для наших серверов и около 10 рабочих станций. В настоящее время мы подключаемся к серверам или рабочим станциям через подключение к удаленному рабочему столу Windows (mstsc) в Интернете.

Я столкнулся с такими продуктами, как Hyper-v, VMWare, XenServer, но совершенно новыми для использования на одной из этих платформ.

задан 8 January 2014 в 22:28
1 ответ

You don't just jump in to VDI as your first virtualization product. VDI typically builds on many complementary technologies, such as the hypervisor, the management suite for that hypervisor, VM images and templates, linked-clones, IP pools, etc.

If you're completely new to virtualization, I'd recommend installing Hyper-V or VMware ESXi in a test lab, and playing with VMM or vCenter respectively. Once you understand that, you can start bolting on some of the VDI solutions available, such as VMware Horizon View if you're using VMware or Microsoft's Remote Desktop Services with Desktop Pools if you're using Hyper-V. Then, you should take what you've learned and virtualize your servers first. After a year or so of understanding how this works, you'll be well equipped to jump into VDI.

If you need this on a quicker timeline, I'd recommend hiring a consulting firm that specializes in this to assist you. It'll save you quite a bit of headache. What you're asking is roughly the equivalent of "I've seen a keyboard before, how can I develop an e-commerce site?"

Edit for future visitors: This question used to ask about how to configure VDI without having any virtualization experience. The OP has since edited it, making this answer seem a little out of place, but I'm leaving it as it answered the question as originally asked.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 21:51


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