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Вот некоторые идеи. Можно вытащить много из чтения книги MySQL High Performance.

задан 30 January 2014 в 22:42
3 ответа

What is a boot image?

A boot image is a slimmed down WinPE environment that is delivered to the client via PXE. It's similar to the first stage of the Ghost PXE install, where the client boots to a slim program before applying the image. It's what gets you started.

What is an install image?

This is the image that you capture (or the generic install.wim image from the install DVD if you're into thin images - I am). The install image is the image that the client downloads and applies after being booted by the boot image.

How do I get my own install image?

If you want to use thick (captured) images, as you've indicated, you need to use a capture image. So, you'll boot your client to the boot image, then you'll use a capture image to capture the state of the current PC after you've customized and sysprepped it. The captured image can then be used as an install image for other PCs.

As an aside, I would strongly encourage you to look at the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) to augment your installation process. It's much more flexible than WDS alone. MDT will give you a "LiteTouch" boot image that is pre-configured with everything you need to kick off the installation. You simply add that to WDS as the boot image and manage everything else through MDT.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 10:05

Чтобы иметь возможность выполнять автоматическую установку Windows с сервера WDS, вам необходимо создать файл ответов автоматической установки с помощью диспетчера образов системы Windows и назначить ему записанный вами образ.

Непонятно, что вы делаете. уже завершены, предлагаю поискать это для настройки и это для создания файлов ответов без участия оператора

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 10:05

so if you want to capture an image, step one, is to create a capture image.

once you have your capture image, you would need to sysprep the target system, then reboot and connect to the WDS server via PXE, or however you're going to do it, and run the capture image. then you'll have your initial image to deploy out to other clients.

edit: it wasn't clear if you'd actually done this, if so, I apologize.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 10:05


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