Что 'Не Представляет' средний в Get-NetAdapter Powershell Cmdlet?

Вот руководство :) Java на Центе OS, я думаю лучше, Вы читаете его сначала, когда Вы - новичок.

задан 8 March 2014 в 00:50
2 ответа

The Not Present state comes from the InterfaceOperationalStatus of the MSFT_NetAdapter class. It's used for network interfaces that are known but currently not available due to the hardware missing for example. Another reason could be that the driver for the hardware was just not loaded at the time. If you deactivate the NIC using the device manager, the driver will unload. Virtual NICs, of VMware Workstation for example, will get deativated and show up as "Not Present" until you boot a virtual machine that uses them.

Powershell only handles interfaces not the NICs themselves using Enable-NetAdapter, Disable-NetAdapter and Get-NetAdapter. If the device was deactiated then you probably have to use the device management cmdlets

ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 23:33

If you turned off NIC (device) it can be shown as "Status: Not Present". To enable device you just need to use Get-WmiObject command:

$wmi = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter -filter "Name LIKE '%Adapter%'"


Source: http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2014/01/13/enabling-and-disabling-network-adapters-with-powershell.aspx

ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 23:33


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