Передача по каналу потока в tar на FreeBSD

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задан 13 June 2014 в 04:36
1 ответ

In the first command:

echo $ARCHIVE | tar xz -C $TMPDIR

This is piping the file name into tar, not the contents of the file. How this is working is beyond me.

In the final command you list:

tail -n+$ARCHIVE $0 | tar zxf - -C $TMPDIR

I think this is specifying the file name as the argument to "tail", which probably isn't going to work either. Even if ${ARCHIVE} is a number, you still can't pipe the tail of an archive to tar, you need to give it the whole archive. Why are you calling tail here at all? A better solution might be:

tar xzvf ${ARCHIVE} -C ${TMPDIR}

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 13:48


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