Is it possible to change the expiry threshold for expiring certificates in Exchange? (Event 12018)

We've recently switched to using LetsEncrypt for our Exchange certificates, which have a maximum validity of 90 days.

Unfortunately this means I'm being pestered with tickets generated by our monitoring system due to Event 12018 occurring.

Application log generated Error Event 12018 on <myserver>

Log: Application
Type: Error
Event: 12018
Agent Time: 2018-05-18 00:00:30Z
Source: MSExchangeTransport
Category: TransportService
Username: N/A
Computer: <myserver>.local
Description: The STARTTLS certificate will expire soon: subject: CN=Let''s Encrypt Authority X3, O=Let''s Encrypt, C=USCN=<mydomain>, thumbprint: <certthumbprint>, hours remaining: 2159. Run the New-ExchangeCertificate cmdlet to create a new certificate.

2159 hours is 89.95 days.

Is it possible to change this threshold to something like 336 hours (2 weeks)?

задан 17 May 2018 в 23:13
1 ответ

Никогда не слышал, что есть способ изменить этот порог, это сделано намеренно, дает вам достаточно времени, чтобы зарегистрировать управление изменениями и получить сертификат от вышестоящего провайдера.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 13:57


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