How to log execution of a specific binary/script using auditd or other

I have the following situation in hand. I have one or more specific execuatble files in /usr/bin, I will call one /usr/bin/execute , and they may either be a compiled binary or a script file, such as a perl or python script.

I would like to log when any user launches these specific binaries. The information I would like from this is basically:

  • the name/path of the executable
  • the arguments given to the executable
  • the user who performed the action
  • the date/time

Furthermore, I would like this information to be in a format which is logical to parse if needed.

Auditd looked like a good choice at first, but it has a strange way of splitting up the information above into two entries for some reason. For example, in the example above, I want to track running of the program /usr/bin/execute. I will add these statements to the auditctl:

-a exit,always -F arch=b32 -S execve
-a exit,always -F arch=b64 -S execve

(I have not yet been able to find how to specify "/usr/bin/execute" as the only thing logged, I would appreciate help from someone who knows how to do this)

In the log after running /usr/bin/execute with one argument, I get the following two relevent entries:

type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1447688181.106:819746): arch=c000003e syscall=59 success=yes exit=0 a0=2898528 a1=26e3308 a2=2720008 a3=7fff176c1840 items=3 ppid=10697 pid=10715 auid=1000 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=pts4 ses=8 comm="execute" exe="/usr/bin/perl" key=(null)
type=EXECVE msg=audit(1447688181.106:819746): argc=3 a0="/usr/bin/perl" a1="/usr/bin/execute" a2="some_arg.txt"

The information is for some reason being split between two entries. In the first SYSCALL message I get the uid of the user, and in the second EXECVE message I get the path (in 'a1', which I am not sure is consistant) and the arguments. In addition to the fact that this is more difficult to parse, I do not have a definite link between these statements to reconcile that they are part of the same event. This whole output seems to be generally incorrect for what I am trying to accomplish, so I am looking for a better way.

Tl;Dr: Can I get auditd to log this information to a file in a generally parse-able way, for scripts or binaries? Can I limit logging to only this executable file? If not, would another auditing daemon be a better choice?

Thank you.

задан 16 November 2015 в 18:31
1 ответ

Независимо от того, как вы это делаете в auditd, вам придется использовать какой-нибудь синтаксический анализатор для получения нужной информации (если только одна из опций ausearch не поможет).

Для начала, для мониторинга только определенные команды, и скажем, это команды / usr / bin / who (двоичный файл) и / usr / bin / whatis (сценарий оболочки), затем используйте правила

-w /usr/bin/who -p x -k my_execs
-w /usr/bin/whatis -p x -k my_execs

. После установки этих правил перезапустите службу auditd, затем выполните

who -a
whatis who

, затем как root

ausearch -i -k my_execs

, чтобы получить

node=mynode.mydomain type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(11/18/2015 08:38:22.724:847290) : auid=burn ses=145 subj=unconfined_u:system_r:auditctl_t:s0 op="add rule" key=my_execs list=exit res=yes
node=mynode.mydomain type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(11/18/2015 08:38:22.724:847291) : auid=burn ses=145 subj=unconfined_u:system_r:auditctl_t:s0 op="add rule" key=my_execs list=exit res=yes
node=mynode.mydomain type=PATH msg=audit(11/18/2015 08:38:25.381:847344) : item=1 name=(null) inode=524297 dev=fd:00 mode=file,755 ouid=root ogid=root rdev=00:00 obj=system_u:object_r:ld_so_t:s0 nametype=NORMAL
node=mynode.mydomain type=PATH msg=audit(11/18/2015 08:38:25.381:847344) : item=0 name=/usr/bin/who inode=2102799 dev=fd:00 mode=file,755 ouid=root ogid=root rdev=00:00 obj=system_u:object_r:bin_t:s0 nametype=NORMAL
node=mynode.mydomain type=CWD msg=audit(11/18/2015 08:38:25.381:847344) :  cwd=/tmp
node=mynode.mydomain type=EXECVE msg=audit(11/18/2015 08:38:25.381:847344) : argc=2 a0=who a1=-a
node=mynode.mydomain type=SYSCALL msg=audit(11/18/2015 08:38:25.381:847344) : arch=x86_64 syscall=execve success=yes exit=0 a0=0x11728e0 a1=0x1172d90 a2=0x10e8020 a3=0x18 items=2 ppid=1810 pid=22443 auid=burn uid=burn gid=burn euid=burn suid=burn fsuid=burn egid=burn sgid=burn fsgid=burn tty=pts0 ses=145 comm=who exe=/usr/bin/who subj=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 key=my_execs
node=mynode.mydomain type=PATH msg=audit(11/18/2015 08:38:31.052:847381) : item=2 name=(null) inode=524297 dev=fd:00 mode=file,755 ouid=root ogid=root rdev=00:00 obj=system_u:object_r:ld_so_t:s0 nametype=NORMAL
node=mynode.mydomain type=PATH msg=audit(11/18/2015 08:38:31.052:847381) : item=1 name=(null) inode=786482 dev=fd:00 mode=file,755 ouid=root ogid=root rdev=00:00 obj=system_u:object_r:shell_exec_t:s0 nametype=NORMAL
node=mynode.mydomain type=PATH msg=audit(11/18/2015 08:38:31.052:847381) : item=0 name=/usr/bin/whatis inode=2112811 dev=fd:00 mode=file,755 ouid=root ogid=root rdev=00:00 obj=system_u:object_r:bin_t:s0 nametype=NORMAL
node=mynode.mydomain type=CWD msg=audit(11/18/2015 08:38:31.052:847381) :  cwd=/tmp
node=mynode.mydomain type=EXECVE msg=audit(11/18/2015 08:38:31.052:847381) : argc=2 a0=/bin/sh a1=/usr/bin/whatis
node=mynode.mydomain type=EXECVE msg=audit(11/18/2015 08:38:31.052:847381) : argc=3 a0=/bin/sh a1=/usr/bin/whatis a2=who
node=mynode.mydomain type=SYSCALL msg=audit(11/18/2015 08:38:31.052:847381) : arch=x86_64 syscall=execve success=yes exit=0 a0=0x1172d90 a1=0x1172500 a2=0x10e8020 a3=0x18 items=3 ppid=1810 pid=22504 auid=burn uid=burn gid=burn euid=burn suid=burn fsuid=burn egid=burn sgid=burn fsgid=burn tty=pts0 ses=145 comm=whatis exe=/bin/bash subj=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 key=my_execs

. Вы можете видеть, что ausearch извлек нужные события (используя ваш ключ). Элементы SYSCALL дают вам who, where и другие элементы, элементы EXECVE предоставляют аргументы, CWD - местоположение и сведения PATH о задействованных файлах. Для справки по этой системе inodes выше соответствуют

524297  /lib64/
2102799 /usr/bin/who
786482  /bin/bash
2112811 /usr/bin/whatis

. Вы можете проверить для получения дополнительной информации

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 14:36


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