nomad shows job as dead

I am new to nomad. We are using nomad in production along with docker, consul, vault, ansible. When I run a nomad job from my local machine, Job registers successfully but show status as dead.

Roadrunner-2:nomad Shailesh$ nomad run -detach -address= production/router.hcl 
Job registration successful
Evaluation ID: c9e77cb5-ef69-1c63-e926-f131b331d800

When I do nomad status

Roadrunner-2:nomad Shailesh$ nomad status
ID        Type     Priority  Status
metrics   system   50        running
registry  service  50        running
router    system   50        dead

And particularly when I check status of the job it gives error.

Roadrunner-2:nomad Shailesh$ nomad status router
ID          = router
Name        = router
Type        = system
Priority    = 50
Datacenters = us-east-1
Status      = dead
Periodic    = false
Error querying job summary: Unexpected response code: 404 (job not found)

I would highly appreciate any direction for troubleshooting above. Спасибо

задан 6 October 2016 в 22:14
1 ответ

Пытались ли вы проверить, успешна ли ваша работа? $nomad eval-status c9e77cb5-ef69-1c63-e926-f131b331d800(your_eval_id)

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 14:21


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