Site serves blank page after changing A record (godaddy forwarding to heroku app)

I have a domain from GoDaddy that I'm forwarding to a heroku app. I had it set up so that in my domain "settings", forwarding with masking was set up, forwarding to the heroku app URL. In my "A" record on GoDaddy, I had the host as @ and pointing to (GoDaddy's IP). I also have 2 CNAME records: One in which the host is * pointing to @, and another in which the host is www pointing to @.

With this setup, everything was working fine. I wanted to try to have a naked URL redirect to my site (typing in the url without the "www" wouldn't bring you to my site), so I stupidly added an extra "A" record as specified by wwwizer. Of course, this broke everything. I immediately removed that extra "A" record so everything is set up as it initially was, but I'm being brought to a completely blank page, and am getting this error message in the console: Refused to display [[[my heroku url]]] in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'.

My big screw up with the extra A record was about 10 hours ago. The folks at GoDaddy have told me it can take up to 48 hours for the DNS to update, and that the way I have it now (my original settings) is correct but I'm a little incredulous that it's taking this long, and worried that this is irreversible.

Is this really just a matter of the DNS taking a while to update, or have I permanently screwed things up?? Obviously I'm pretty new to this stuff, so any and all input or advice is tremendously appreciated!!

задан 28 February 2017 в 13:03
1 ответ

Это будет оставаться в вашем кэше DNS и в кэше DNS всех остальных, пока не будет достигнут TTL записи. Вы можете установить этот TTL самостоятельно. Кроме того, изменение должно распространиться через DNS-серверы godaddys, что может занять дополнительное время.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 05:08


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