How can I find IP/web console for a wireless AP

I have a Dlink DWL-2600AP, it is working but I'd like to do some troubleshooting on it (it's acting as if client isolation has magically turned on after 2 years, which is a problem for our wireless printers).

It's connected to a port on our 2960x #2 switch, that port is on a VLAN for our WLAN, and the 2960x #1 Switch does DHCP for that WLAN/VLAN (trunk between Switch #1 and #2). I did a sh mac-address-table on the interface the WAP is plugged into and found a MAC address that appears to be a DLINK device from a lookup.

However I tried sh ip arp | inc on router but nothing came up. Tried sh ip arp vlan # on the #1 switch that does DHCP but that mac address did not appear. Is it possible the web console is disabled for the AP? Is there anything else can I try to track it down?

Manually connecting to the console port of the AP is going to be difficult and is a last resort if I can't find another way in.

задан 23 June 2018 в 00:05
2 ответа

Таблица ARP будет заполнена, только если сам маршрутизатор или коммутатор необходимо было связаться с AP, что им почти никогда не понадобится. Запустите сканирование IP-адресов подсети и найдите IP-адрес, связанный с MAC-адресом точки доступа.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 15:54

Сделайте IP-адрес вашего компьютера в том же vlan на проводной стороне в той же подсети, попробуйте подключиться с показанным IP-адресом. Вы должны иметь возможность изменить его на DHCP или ввести действительный статический

enter image description here

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 15:54


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