ossec 2.8.3 : getting autentication alerts from Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager/Operational

on ossec 2.8.3 I am trying to get alerts only for rdp autentications from windows agents.

These events are shown in the clients event log Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager/Operational for example with eventID 1149

I have in my windows agents conf file


on the server in my local_rules.xml I have

<group name="rdesktop">
<rule id="100888" level="1">
<match>Remote Desktop Services</match>
<description>Remote Desktop Connection Established</description>

I get no messages from the remote client (that sends alerts if I use Security )

I see some traffic from client to server with tcpdump if I generate 1149 logon events But no evidence even with yes in ossec server.

Anyone can share some insight?

Many thanks г.

задан 24 August 2017 в 11:20
1 ответ

Возможно, я неправильно понимаю . Нужно добавить раздел опций в свои местные правила?


ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 07:28


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