Credentials are “Incorrect” When Logging in to Postfix Mail Server

Recently I wanted to play around with mail servers, so I followed the steps in this article. But when I tried logging in with Mozilla Thunderbird, it gave me this error:

Configuration could not be verified

I tried different accounts and changing passwords, but it hasn't been working. What is going on here?

Also, does anyone know of any mail servers better than this one?

Any help is highly appreciated



There was a typo in this file:


There is this line here:

mail_location = maildir:/path/to/mail/

Which I forgot to include maildir: before the path.

задан 20 June 2017 в 19:06
1 ответ

В этом файле была опечатка:

/ etc / dovecot / conf .d / 10-mail.conf

Здесь есть эта строка:

mail_location = maildir: / path / to / mail /

Который я забыл включить maildir: перед путем .

Спасибо Джо Брейлсфорду за то, что посоветовал мне проверить журнал.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 07:58


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