Subnet is big enough but no connection between two servers (within IPSec vpn)

I could bet that everything is set up correctly. But it doesnt work :-(

enter image description here

As you can see the network is quite simple. - I hope.

My goal is a connection between Server 2 and Server 4. On Server 2 there is a MySQL server and I will access them from Server 4.

The problem is that I can make a ping from Server 4 to the Router 1 or to Server 1 - but not to Server 2. The subnet is big enough so it reachs from - So normally I expect that the Server 3 can do anything in the other network.

Server 2 can ping server 3 and server 3 can ping server 2. And Router 1 can ping Server 2 and server 3, too.

Here are some informations about the routes. But I'm sure they are mostly correct.

Server 4 Routes:

enter image description here

Router 2 IPSec:

enter image description here

Server 4 Traceroute to Router 1:

enter image description here

Server 4 Traceroute to Server 2:

enter image description here

Thanks in Advance for any ideas.

задан 10 May 2017 в 20:09
1 ответ

Вероятно, проблема в том, что на сервере 2 не установлен шлюз по умолчанию. Когда он получает TCP SYN от, у него нет маршрута обратно к этому серверу.

Ваш результат трассировки с сервера 4 на сервер 2 выглядит странно, но, исходя из того факта, что сервер 2 рассматривается как второй переход, не третье, ваш маршрутизатор 1 должен выполнять какое-то проксирование.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 08:10


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