How create directory structure with permissions from web?

I have a directory structure in a shared folder with specific folder permissions for making projects in a Active Directory Domain like \server\shared\Projects\Project1, \server\shared\Projects\Project2, \server\shared\Projects\Project3... There is no user that have full permissions on the projects folder and I have created a script to set the permissions, but only a user with full permissions like the AD domain can execute the script (a .ps1 or a .vbs) and set them

I was thinking if a web server with AD authentication can do the work. A user with privileges logs into the web with the credentials, give a name for the project and push a button, in the server side a script is running that create the folder wiht right permissions and returns the output to the web.

How can I start? Is there a better way to do this?

задан 19 December 2016 в 10:17
1 ответ

Я думаю об использовании Jenkins в Windows Server с Powershell Script с подключаемым модулем de AD, я думаю, что в этом сценарии пользователь может войти в веб-интерфейс Jenkins и запустить сценарий, который создает папку , Я буду искать вариант и выложу его здесь.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 09:05


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