Credential Manager has been disabled by Administrator and cannot re-enable

I'm having trouble getting a Windows 7 work computer to keep credentials for a mapped drive. Whenever I load Credential Manager, I get "Windows Credentials have been disabled by your Administrator." I'm logged into an Administrator account (but not the built-in account), and haven't had much luck removing this restriction.

The computer is not on a domain, so there is no domain policy enforcing this. I checked gpedit.msc, and looked under:

Computer > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options

I found the option Network Access: Do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication, but it is already disabled. I performed this check on both the server and user computer.

I made sure it is in the same work group as all of the other computers. I tried CCleaner to see if maybe there was a registry issue, but it just found missing .DLLs and unnecessary file types.

I was trying VaultCMD in Command Prompt, and created a new Vault, but I don't have the proper option to store the credentials for the server.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

задан 17 March 2016 в 18:39
2 ответа

Захватите ADMX шаблоны для вашей версии Windows, и отследите политику, о которой идет речь. В загрузке ADMX есть электронная таблица XLS, в которой содержится вся информация о шаблонах, включая местоположение реестра. Она будет удобной ссылкой, когда вы неизбежно найдете "другие вещи", которые были установлены с помощью реестра.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 10:39

Вы можете найти причину, запустив отчет gpresult из командной строки или подсказки Powershell:

GPRESULT /H GPReport.html

Это сгенерирует отчет в формате html в рабочем каталоге, который должен содержать список политики, настроенные вне конфигурации по умолчанию.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 10:39


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