Changed Network Label on VCenter Server VM now Unable to Connect to Reset it Back

I didn't think it through, in vSphere on my vCenter Server VM I changed the Network from VMNetwork to VMotion.

I did this with the intention of changing it back immediately, I sometimes do this as a trick on other VM's to fix an issue, however stupid me didn't think this through on doing it to the vCenter Server VM.

Anyway when I changed it I immediately lost connection and now I can't connect to set it back.

I can't connect directly to the host the VM is on either as I don't have the host password...after googling I think it might be on a sticker on the host (it's HP ProLiant), but it's physically located in a different part of the country nowhere near me :(

Any idea on how I can connect back to my vCenter Server so that I can change the Network back on the VM to VMNetwork?

задан 7 August 2017 в 22:44
1 ответ

Очевидно, вы отключили подключение группы портов vCenter. Единственный способ вернуться - подключиться к хосту напрямую, либо через vSphere Client, либо через SSH (сначала необходимо активировать).

Другой вариант - восстановить сервер vCenter из резервной копии, но, опять же, вам потребуется войдите на хост.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 21:36


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