Сервер RAID 1 не Может восстановленный, не может загрузиться в Windows

Я подозреваю проблемы с драйвером или дуплексное несоответствие. Попытайтесь обновить драйверы и проверить, что дуплекс на каждом заканчивается, чтобы быть тем же. Проверьте также статистику Ethernet от переключателя (если у Вас есть ошибки, коллизии и т.д....).

Какое средство теряет сетевое соединение? Это не достижимо, но интерфейс произошел? Это достижимо, но имеет большую потерю пакетов?

задан 16 January 2012 в 06:31
1 ответ

Raid is a HARDWARE solution to redundancy and does not protect from software errors. It is very likely (99%) that the raid card on the MOBO is a Fake-RAID. What i mean by this is that the raid is implemented in SOFTWARE. While there are merits for and against software raid i wont go into them here. What i think has happened here is that during the power problems the system was in the middle of a write and ended up with a semi corrupt drive. because the writes are replicated on both drives an error on one drive is an error on the other.

It is likely if you run a CHKDSK it will resolve the problem. this may need to be done from another computer. if you care about the data i would clone a drive to another spare HDD and not touch it.

However many FAKE-RAID and even RAID controllers mess around with the first hundred bytes or so and the drives can look un-formated to other systems so its likely you will have to use a windows install CD to get into recovery mode and run CHKDSK from there

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 21:54


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