Как я могу создать новый VM, указывающий на что-то другое, чем CD/DVD

Вы не могли просто выполнить PS-aux на machine2?

Я SSH в Machine2 от Machine1 и вот являюсь выводом. Я даже сделал su для укоренения, и я вижу исходный UID, с которым я соединился.

базироваться 31519 0.1 0.1 6512 1940? Ss 10:56 0:00 sshd: eric [priv]

eric 31521 0.0 0.1 6512 1224? S 10:56 0:00 sshd: eric@pts/0

задан 7 February 2013 в 03:48
2 ответа

CIFS is definitely the way to go. Very easy, once it works.

I am not sure which part was the problem, but I am running Windows 7 with Webroot. I shared a folder (MyWindows7ComputerName\test), created a new CIFS SR.

In XenCenter when I clicked on the CIFS ISO Library -> Storage tab I saw nothing. I could click rescan and nothing would show up.

As soon as I accessed the share from a third computer all my .isos showed up under the storage tab. Not sure why, but I hope this helps someone. I spent a lot of time on nothing. And once you do this for a share any iso you drop in should show up in a few seconds - it's just that first time that nothing shows up.

Note: All isos must go in the root of the share. You can't have something like MyWindows7ComputerName\test\folder1\myimage.iso

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 21:27

I shared a folder on my windows box that contains the .iso and then tried creating a CIFS SR pointing to that network share, but even though it shows up in XenCenter once I am done creating it and see under status it says OK and Connected I can't use it.

This is the best way to do what you're trying to accomplish. You should consider posting a detailed question including whatever errors you're seeing and try to get that resolved.

I don't think XenCenter has support for using flash drives as ISO repositories (or it didn't when I worked with XenServer 5.5). If you don't mind using the command line tool (xe) for managing Xen you should be able to SSH to your XenServer host and proceed. Start by reading the XenServer 6.1.0 Administrator's Guide and XenServer 6.1.0 Virtual Machine User's Guide .

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 21:27


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