Хост VMware Недостаточный Diskspcace

Это - то, вследствие того, что функции PF не могут отразиться в и тот же интерфейс, он должен передать "через" маршрутизатор, таким образом, он перенаправляет Вас к webconfi. Можно установить .local домен, или можно установить Разделение DNS в PFsense. Инструкции для разделения DNS находятся в этой статье PFsense KB. Я предлагаю, разделяет DNS для фиксации этого.

задан 29 August 2013 в 07:01
1 ответ

Double-check that your VM's are thin-provisioned. If not you can convert them, but you'll need to migrate them to the other datastore in order to complete the conversion.

If they are thin-provisioned, then its worth going through the VM's to look for any space you can reclaim. old installers, log files etc. Another tactic can be to reduce the page file size of any Windows VMs (you need to restart the VM to apply).

Make sure none of your VM's have snapshots running. If so you'll need to delete/merge them. However be aware that this can require more disk space to complete if the VM is powered on when snapshot is deleted.

Check the VMTools of your VM's, depending on their config you may be able to shrink the VM's disk usage (though usually not by much).

Lastly, check your datastores for wasted space, old VM's that haven't been deleted properly, and ISO's are common culprits.

ответ дан 24 November 2019 в 10:39


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