Различные проблемы с программным обеспечением raid1 массив, созданный с Samsung 840 Pro SSD

Вам не нужна связка ключей.

используйте ssh-keygen, сделайте новую пару ключей. deply открытый ключ на целевом сервере и префиксе это с командой как это

command="/bin/ls" ssh-dss YOURKEEEEEEEYHERE ==comment

в .ssh/authorized_keys на том удаленном хосте

когда это будет установкой, Вы сможете работать точно что команда на удаленном хосте через ssh, использующий пароль.

задан 22 October 2013 в 19:07
1 ответ

Well in the end I guess I found out at least a big part of the problem: one of the SSDs in the array was functioning really badly. I have read enough reports of poor mdraid performance concerning Samsung 840 Pro SSDs but this drive was functioning very poorly even when used by itself. For the time being I have fixed it by performing a secure erase of the SSD in question by using hdparm. The performance is nothing to brag about but it's much closer to decent than before: about 210-220MB/s read and about 130-150MB/s write (compared to 5-10MB/s write before). Please note this is on SATA2 where the top speed is about 240MB/s.

In the end I'd like to say thanks to Mr. Wagner who's advice to swap the drives proved illuminating.

In conclusion when you have performance issues with a SSD consider a secure erase! Please note a secure erase is not the same with formating.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 15:21


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