Не может использовать “извлекаются” для идентификации сервера

В моем сценарии я отключаю интерактивный frontend сначала:
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

Затем я установил al предпочтения, f.e.:
postconf -e "mynetworks =, ${NETWORK_CIDR}"

Можно затем повторно включить его путем сбрасывания его:

Или, можно сделать это очень легким, просто выполнив эту команду:
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install postfix-policyd

задан 10 December 2013 в 16:25
6 ответов

Most modern servers come with an out-of-band management option, eg HP's ILO, Dells DRAC, IBM's RSA, so you don't actually need to go to the rack anymore to manage them. Simply use the correct form of KVM over IP to take over the console from the comfort of your desk!

They come with virtual media which uses an ISO image on your desktop to emulate an CD/DVD drive you can install from. Virtual power switches to power up, down or reset the server and more.

The out-of-band management card has it's own independent IP-address from the server it is managing. So label the actual servers and and give the out-of-band management card the same name and you'll see the current hostname of the OS once you take over the console.

And oftebn the out-of-band-management card allows you to light an identification light for the rare cases you do need physical access.

ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 21:19

I also love eject! anyway, you need to check support package from your server vendor.

for example, HP provides a command line utility to check/set/unset UID LED for their proliant servers. and iLO, HP's remote management tool, provide same function.

ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 21:19

If your out-of-band management does not allow you to flash the indicator, you could try ethtool if you have a spare/empty network interface

ethtool -p eth2

Should flash the LED for eth2:

 -p --identify
 Initiates adapter-specific action intended to enable an operator to easily identify the adapter by sight. Typically this involves blinking one or more LEDs on the specific network port.

Then you can go search the server with an empty but blinking network interface. This should also work for interfaces that are up and running (if they're all connected), but then you'd have to distinguish between the ethtool regular interval and the normal blinking that shows the interface activity :)

ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 21:19

If they've still got internal speakers, I used to get mileage out of doing cat /kernel/unix > /dev/audio, and then running around a dark and empty trading floor homing in on the shrieking machine.

ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 21:19

Well, get creative - there's USB controlled LED device like the blink(1) or the blink stick that may work, though the blink(1) seems out of stock everywhere.

For a more ghetto solution, get a bunch of the cheapest USB keys you can, stick them on a USB port, and when you need to identify a system, create and delete a small file (or just keep writing to it) repeatedly until you find the system. Then you can use the activity light to find the system.

ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 21:19

Насколько мне известно, все современные серверы поставляются с BMC [картой управления основной платой] и предоставляют интерфейс, совместимый с IPMI, доступный как из ОС, так и из сети.

Другие поставщики должны предоставить нечто подобное, в В случае серверов Dell это стандартная команда IPMI, которая начинает мигать светодиодным индикатором корпуса:

ipmitoolssis identify 1 и ipmitoolssis identify 0 , чтобы остановить мигание

ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 21:19


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